December 2015 Reports and January Preliminary Data

Retailers had a good December as new titles moved up above Novembers totals reversing the Q4 decline, while continued strength in the multi-section market put total homes for the month over December of 2014. The year-to-date new title numbers closed out 2015 with single section homes down but multi-section sales growth pushed total homes for the year up 42 units or 0.35% over 2014.

Shipments kicked up in January for all section categories over the preceding December, and multi-section homes were up by 28.34% over January of 2015. The demand for multi-section homes continues while single sections were again down from the previous year.

Preliminary new title totals for January were down across the board.


New TitlesSinglesMultisTotal
Change from November: 14.49%* 7.42%* 10.77%*
Change from December of 2014: -9.03%* 22.45%* 4.71%*
January through December 2015 change from 2014 (%): -4.08%* 5.66%* 0.35%*
January through December 2015 change from 2014 (Units): -264* 306* 42*
Change from November: -19.73%† -12.87%† -16.67%†
Change from December of 2014: -25.66%† 8.6%† -12.82%†
January through December 2015 change from 2014 (%): -10.31%† 10.37%† -2.02%†
January through December 2015 change from 2014 (Units): -855† 575† -280†
Used TitlesSinglesMultisTotal
Change from November: 21.37%* 10.47%* 17.05%*
Change from December of 2014: 32.5%* 20.25%* 27.64%*
January through December 2015 change from 2014: 8.85%* 9.53%* 9.11%*
Total TitlesSinglesMultisTotal
Change from November: 16.36%* 7.97%* 12.19%*
Change from December of 2014: -0.18%* 22.04%* 9.34%*
January through December 2015 change from 2014: -0.7%* 6.49%* 2.47%*


Change from December: 9.01%† 17.34%† 12.9%†
Change from January of 2015: -19.53%† 28.34%† -1.74%†
January 2016 change from 2015 (Units): -141† 121† -20†
New change from January 2015: -5.93% -8.72% -7.24%
Used change from January 2015: 10.29% -24.24% -6.72%
Total change from January 2015: -3.21 -3.21 -7.15


New titles increased: +15 +30 +45
Used titles increased: +52 +14 +66

TMHA’s Reports


* Note: These calculations are based on titles processed by TDHCA that were submitted on time. Late submissions will impact these figures going forward.

† Note: Shipment data is compiled from TDHCA’s Texas Manufacturer’s Report and their Out of State Manufacturer’s Report.