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It's Election Day

Today is the primary election.  Said another way, it is one of the most exciting days of the year.  Alright, perhaps not everyone is as excited as we are here at TMHA, though it is hard to imagine why not.  But I can appreciate that some of you might choose to watch the latest episode of Fixer Upper or my wife’s favorite, The Bachelor. 

But for those of you wanting to tune into some quality programming, I’d recommend my favorite option tonight - the Secretary of State’s website watching the minute-by-minute election returns.

For many districts the primary election is the equivalent of the election, based on district configuration and historical general election voting patterns.  For many districts the general elections have been so one sided for one party or the other that the contested primary is the more important race  However, this primary we are seeing some surprising levels of voter turnout, in particular in the urban cores among voters in the Democratic primary. So there will be some fireworks tonight in many races once the polls close at 7pm.

Rest assured we will be glued to the coverage and website tonight as the returns come in.